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1                     Costs of WWI: contraction of European economies & destruction of property : hits losers first in 1920s (GER in severe depression during Weimar Republic)
2                    Unchecked investment, but little production to match it - 1920s = expansion in stock market (Roaring 20s from 1925-1929) -  "Black Tuesday" (Oct. 24, 1929) the stock market crashes, and all gains made in past 4 yrs lost
3                    Large discrepancy in wealth distribution b/w  upper & lower class:  wasn't real prosperity, reduced consumer demand for products hurts economy large amount of credit available taken away by Fed. Res. in response; protectionist policies in many countries ensue; tax policy helps the rich and others have to pay for it

a)       Treaty of Versailles: GER limited on military size, payment for WWI, lost land
b)       Rise of Fascism
c)        Rise of Hitler & Nazi Party
d)       Japanese expansion
e)       Anti-Communism
f)        Appeasement
g)       World-wide economic strife, the Great Depression
h)       Absent of Authority, League of Nations
i)        IMMEDIATE CAUSE: Germany's attack on Poland (1939) GBR & FRA declare war on GER

    Holocaust: 6 million Jews killed in Nazi concentration camps
    Japanese/GER Occupation: Asian peoples were used as slave labor, conscripts & subjects of medical experiments. Millions were killed
    Jap Bombing of Pearl Harbor: Surprise attack on US Naval base. The attack was on the way while JAP “negotiated” w/ USUS ENTERS WWII
    US Bombing of Tokyo: Saturation bombing left Tokyo in virtually complete ruin
    Allied Bombing of Berlin & Dresden: Saturation bombings left these German cities in ruin
    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki: Bomb killed thousands immediately, injures thousands more & health problems cont. for generations
    Internment of Japanese Americans: Tens of thousands of Japanese Americans (many native born Americanos) esp. in CA – placed in relocation centers (concentration camps) for duration of the war
Steps Taken Under Nazi Rule:
1.        Hitler names Fuhrer/leader
2.        Jews became known as “non-Germans” (Nuremburg Laws of 1935 forbade Jews citizenship & Kristallnacht destroyed Jewish property)
3.        abolished all other political parties except Nazi Party

Parliament (Reichstag): majority of votes
Coalition: merging w/ other parties to form parliament
Gestapo (secret police) established
5.        Churches “coordinated” under Nazi regime
6.        Nazi youth movement
7.        Labor unions “coordinated” as National Labor Front
8.       Goal= move toward economic self-sufficiency
9.        military built up
10.     Hitler became dictator – faith put into him to make GER a powerful country
ALLIES                                                                 AXIS
USA                                                                         GER
USSR                                                                       JAP
GBR                                                                        ITA
Main Battlefields (in order of importance)
         I.            Atlantic Ocean – U-Boats, Can US help EUR?
       II.            Eastern Front – USSR vs. GER (Non-Aggression Pact broken by Hitler in 1940) * Battle of Stalingrad: “winter defeats GER”
     III.            Western Front -  GBR vs. GER (FRA falls in Blitzkrieg taken over by GER: Vichy, FRA) (Battle of London: bombing of London D-Day)
     IV.            Pacific Ocean – JAP vs. USA (Midway Island & island hopping)
       V.            North Africa – attack S. EUR (ITA)
D-DAY:  Allies pushed towards GER from Normandy while USSR from East pushed towards GER w/ Battle of Stalingrad

END OF WAR: GER Surrenders – In Mar. 1945, GER was sure of defeat, then in Apr., Hitler commits suicide – May 8th is celebrated as the Victory of the Allies. After GER surrenders, the war shifts to the Pacific w/ JAP.

After WWII: Indian Partition (1947), Dissolution of Yugoslavia (Balkans), Cambodian Khmer Rouge, Rwanda (Hutus vs. Tutsi), Nuremburg Trials (Nazis on trial)
Yalta Conference: Feb. 1945 w/ Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
 -  agreed to divide GER into 4 zones of occupation – each zone occupied by FRA, GBR, USA, & USSR.
- Stalin wanted to keep Poland & install communist-led gov’t, but later agreed to let poles elect their own gov’t
Potsdam Conference: Meeting b/w Truman, Prime Minister Clement Attlee (GBR), Churchill.
üUS Occupation of JAP to demilitarize it & make JAP democratic

Major Features That Emerged After WWII
a) Atrocities (Genocides)
b) Geneva Conventions/International Law)
c) Nuclear Deterrence
d) Cold War (1947 – 1990)
e) Decolonization
The World in the 1920s: Challenges to European Dominance
    Responses to Crisis:     A) Revolutionary regimes                    B) Authoritarian Political Systems
    Three major patterns
         I.            Western Europe - economically/politically incomplete, but culturally creative
       II.            Growth of Japan and the United States
     III.            Impact of 1920s Revolutions in China, Mexico and Russia
    Fascism in Italy
-Fascism: Political philosophy that became predominant in ITA and then GER during the 1920s -1930s; attacked weakness of democracy, corruption of capitalism; promised vigorous foreign and military programs; undertook state control of economy to reduce social friction.
-Benito Mussolini creates fascio di combattimeno (union for struggle) - Italy
* Italian fascist leader after WW I; created first fascist gov.’t based on aggressive foreign policy and new nationalist glories.
-Nationalistic, strong leader, violent methods appropriate
-Don't want inefficient parliament or socialist class struggle - need leader
-Catalysts - anger over Italy's gains after WWI ®labor unrest®Italian King eventually asks Mussolini to help
-Parliament inefficient, but communism was scary
o    Mussolini takes power - steps to victory
                                -Eliminate opposition - suspend elections
                                -State control of economy
                                -Glories of military conquest
o    Demonstrated that parliamentary rule not the best idea
  New reactions to the Great Depression –not democracies
üNazi GER                                                             üSemifascist JAP                  üStalinist RUS     
üCHN (Guomindang, Communism)                                                                   üAuthoritarian regimes in L. America
    1929 Stock Market Crash + new problems w/ industrialized + weak econ.
    Inflation – prices of items go up, but value doesn’t
    Overproduction of farm goods – cheap prices

Farmers buy more equipment
Market dies => have supply and demand issues
3rd world countries push up production levels – prices drop again can’t buy industrial goods either

    Reliance on US loans to Europe pays off debts, helps buy new products
    Inability to look at the big picture, outside own country
üProtectionism - High tariffs to protect home industry                                 üInsist on repayment of debts
The Debacle
    Stock Market Crash effects
üBanks – lose $ they had invested call in loans from EUR - can’t pay loans, where would they get the $ from???
üCreditors have no $ to invest investors lose $ => no $ to invest, no $ to keep industry going Employment , wages
Low wages => can’t buy goods
Unprecedented depression/recession had global impact and lasted until WWII started
üSocial effects: Suicides, educated can’t get jobs, family roles disrupted – husbands can’t get jobs – kids/mom work
üPopular culture: women’s fashions more sedate & escapist entertainment – Superman can save the day
üTwo Crises in 2 decades in EUR                      (1)Economic system not the best         (2) Parliamentary democracies can’t solve problems
üIn Russia?           (1) Stays out of Depression – socialism in 1 country        ( 2)Not a huge part of global trade – doesn’t affect them
üExports that doing so well:               (1) Japanese silk industry                   (2) Latin American natural resources
üEven worse: Drought, poor harvest
Solutions:               ü L. American gov’t get more involved in economic decisions                      üJapan conquers region – West can’t be trusted
üWest – new welfare programs                                                                         üItaly/Germany fascism
    Bad ideas – just protect self
üHigh tariffs bad – other nations respond by stop buying                            üGov’t cuts off funding of programs
    Solutions – useless parliament or overturning of parliament
    Struggling parliaments
üCommunist/socialist parties became more popular (FRA – they unite create Popular Front – wins 1936)
üBut conservative Republicans hesitant to change
üWelfare state: Scandinavian countries pump $ into social welfare programs
The New Deal
    Hoover’s ideas (tariffs + debt repayment) failed
    Roosevelt’s New Deal
A) Provided jobs, unemployment insurance, social security                          B)Economic planning – control rate of supply to regulate demand
    Change for U.S. – government grows – later military grows
Nazism and Fascism
    Bad Conditions in GER üShock of loss                      üTreaty arrangements – blame         üVeterans of war attacked weak parliament
>>Need strong nation with strong leader
    Fascists/Nazis = solution
üAppeal to landlords/business groups – anti-communist                                            üPreach need for unity                      
üReturn to traditional past: guilds for artisans – yeah right, no department stores, no new woman – feminism
üForeign policy to right the wrongs of Versailles                                                           üScapegoat in the Jews
üSo many parties in parliament – don’t need a majority
    Totalitarian state – control all elements of society
üeliminated political parties
üpurged bureaucratic/military – put in Nazis
üsecret police – Gestapo – arrested anti-Nazis
üGot rid of trade unions – gave jobs/welfare to everyone
üPropaganda department – constant: Nationalism, attacks on Jewish minority (blamed for socialism, capitalism)
    Jewish policy –more restrictive had to wear stars seized property sent to concentration camps Elimination of Jews
    Hitler’s foreign policy
üLebensraum – land empire
üIgnored elements of Versailles – but appeased:
- ignored disarmament                                        - gained Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia – Munich Conference
- Anschluss with Austria                                      - Appeasement – “peace in our time” = “If you give in now, psycho guy will keep taking”
- made secret deal with USSR = to divide Poland, don’t fight each other
The Spread of Fascism and the Spanish Civil War
    Nazi success inspires neighbors
    (A) Eastern EUR takes fascist/authoritarian shift                           (B) ITA inspired to actually spread empire – dreaded Ethiopia
    Spreads to Spain – Spanish Civil War
üParliamentary republic vs. military backed authoritarian state
o    General Francisco Franco supported by Nazis
o    Republicans supported by US, USSR, and W. Europe
üFranco wins – next 25 years = authoritarian: ruled by landlords, church, and army
    Social and cultural tension
üGrowing middle class threatens old oligarchy                              üIncreased urban population
üImmigration + urbanization                                                            üNew political parties – nationalist and populist – push for change
    How did WWI forced L. America economies to industrialize quickly – no markets 
üImport substitution industrialization - same continuities: Limited markets, low technological skill, low capital
üWWI demand for some goods artificial – led to overproduction
Labor and the Middle Class
    Political stability through alliance of landlords and urban middle class
    But coalition of frustrated emerge
(A) Annoyed that import-export capitalism leads to income gap  (B) Military officers, state politicians, bandits, peasants
    Urban workers wanted to use power to
(A) Anarchism – destroy state control                                (B) syndicalism – use strikes to break down state
*Gov’t makes sure they repress rebellions violent strikes/repression symbol of class conflict
Ideology and Social Reform
    L. American middle class can only have power if linked w/ oligarchy/military
    Liberalism not working: (A) Industrialization, education not helping landless destitute (B) By 1920s, liberal reforms going nowhere
    Communists want to get rid of liberal governments
    Roman Catholic Church also annoyed with secular capitalist values
The Great Crash and Latin American Responses
    Problems facing Latin America w/ Crash: export sales drop & liberal democracies look like failures
    Reaction from right – church + military leaders
üCorporatism – state acts as mediator between power groups –shared some ideas of fascists
    Mexico – Lazaro Cardenas attempts land reform: 40 million acres of communal farms + credit system & state controls oil
    Theme – need a new government – nationalism + new players
The Vargas Regime in Brazil
    Getulio Vargas tries to set up strong central government
üHas to fight communists on right and fascists on left  üSets up authoritarian of gov’t
    Nationalism + economic reforms
üEliminated immigration
üNo opposition to gov’t: no political parties & labor unions minimal power
>>Later he changes to be more liberal
üEventually supports Allies: arms and $ for bases and troops
üEventually kills self in 1954 – opposition from both sides – becomes martyr
Argentina: Populism, Peron and the Military
    With failure of depression, tries new gov’t: coalition of nationalists, fascists and socialists
    Military takes over in 1943: Juan Peron uses power but supports people – raises to the poor
üCreates coalition of workers, industry, labor - but hard to hold together in tough times - military and Industrialists scared
üWent too far when he went against Catholic Church
Exiled, but then returns in 1973, wins presidency - dies
üvery popular guy – wife Eva asks as intermediary: used press, radio, speeches to get support & champion of the poor, labor unions
    How was Japan Similar to Europe: aggressive military – take over Manchuria w/out civilian support
    Political response
üNationalistic movement – return to Shinto/Confucian past
üProtest against parliament reforms
üMilitary leaders want someone to be a leader: killed prime minister - 1932
    Conflict w/China - feared that China would push for Manchuria/Korea >> Take them out before they can have strong army
    Economy gets tied to newly conquered areas: Korea, Manchuria, Tawian (Formosa) - 50% exports go there, 40% imports from there
    Japan keeps expanding – Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
üNeed control of resources                 üKick out Europeans                           üJapanese culture forced on Koreans
Industrialization and Recovery
    Japan’s reaction to the Depression: gov.’t steps in immediately:
üSpending to provide jobs                                                                 üCreated demand for food/manufactured items
üUnemployment over basically by 1936                                            üSupported military manufacturing
    Recovery more impressive than west: iron, steel, chemicals, electricity soar, assembly line more efficient
>>World worried about Japanese export force
    Choices that inspire patriotism: lifelong contracts to skilled workers, entertainment
    Foundation of machines and scientific knowledge
    the man of steel is in charge
    Stalin – back to the basics – hurt wealthy people so he can benefit
üTake land from kulaks – wealthy landowners                              üIndustrialize w/out private initiative – he controls everything
***borrows some Western engineers/science
Economic Policies
    Collectivization – put all land into mass holdings by government
üEveryone would share equipment and work in harmony,  able to keep eyes on naughty peasants & get taxes from peasants to industrialize
    Reactions to Collectivization
Laborers get to take stuff from kulaks (lack of motivation) Kulaks  don’t want to give up stuff, Kulaks introduced to blistery conditions of Siberia (exile)
    Was collectivization successful? ------Kulaks killed/exiled, labor not efficient, but industrial workers freed
    Urbanization – unskilled workers to the cities
    5-Yr. Plans:
üMassive factories for metallurgy, mining, electric power          
üGoods produced were heavy industry, not consumer goods
üNot capitalism-gov’t decides on resources and supply quantities
=>supply numbers too low or too high sometimes                                          ***Between 1927 and 1937 industrialization increases 1400%
    US, Germany, USSR – 3rd largest industrial power
    40 million people died in process
Toward an Industrial Society
o    Effects of Industrialization: Crowded cities, workers given help (publicly rewarded/given bonuses for production, welfare services – healthcare, illness/old age protection, grievances analyzed, strikes not allowed)
Totalitarian Rule
    Controls intellectual life: Western culture, artists, writers exiled/killed - Instead you get Socialist realism – heroic ideals of worker, no scientific free inquiry – study only practical science
    Government police punish anyone – real and imagined opponents
>>Great purge of party leaders – 1936-1937 – kangaroo court - confess to crimes didn’t commit
    News monopolized –propaganda
    Congresses + executive committee (Politburo) really have no power
    Foreign policy
üKilled all the good generals – puts a damper on foreign policy                                üstays isolationist in 1920s
üGermany is threatening ally selves w/ US, French and UK in Spanish Civil War
üUSSR signs peace pact w/ Germany – prepares for war               (A) Gets part of Poland        (B) 2 liars lying to each other
    Depression  leaves options of  weak parliament or fascist state
o    Forces new political reactions: Latin America tries new initiatives, Japan =>militaristic, Russia goes totalitarian, Middle East reaction:
üTurkey goes anti-Muslim traditions (women can vote, upper class can’t wear fancy hats – fez)
üTurkey/Persia try to be self-sufficient – don’t need western imports
üArab nationalism forces Europeans to grant independence
Depression and Retreat
    Western European countries become protectionist
    Japan annoyed at Western tariffs – wants to control sphere, not be vulnerable
    Germany wants to be self-sufficient – pulls out of world community
    Soviet Union “workers of the world unite”, but in reality – isolationist/nationalist
World War II         (1) Officially started in 1939 after decade of aggression (2) Aggression of Axis powers went unchecked - appeasement
(3) Failure to unite:
ü  Nationalism plus Red Fear/Scare of Soviets prevented early alliance
ü  Within  each gov’t - disagreement on how to respond - some actually felt guilty about Versailles
ü  League of Nations = a joke: Italy and Japan merely left the League after censured
ü  Axis/Fascist leaders laughed at treaties – diplomacy = a joke - brilliant method of delaying intervention of enemy
Old and New Causes of a Second World War
1.        China vs. Japan
üChina looking stronger - Chiang Kai-shek uniting/defeating warlords
üNationalist (Guomindang) party could pose a threat & JAP afraid Chinese would retake Manchuria
üJapan gradually becomes militaristic
2.        Germany - Weimar Republic weak - blamed for Versailles
üGreat Depression made life look worse
üAdolf Hitler takes advantage
üNazis made a ton of promises: German people back to work, ignore diktat of Versailles, turn back Communist push, enslave Slavic peoples
üSteps to taking over Europe/becoming powerful
1 - Destroy parliament/political system > totalitarian
2 - Ignore diplomacy of Versailles
3 - Rearm/remilitarize (Not afraid to bomb cities/use poison gas)
4 - Forced union with Austria
5 - Annexation of Czechoslovakia
3.        Mussolini - Italian man gets courage to take over Ethiopia
4.        Spanish Civil War - becomes training ground for new weapons - Franco wins with Axis support, but doesn't help Axis in war
US, Britain, France appeasement
(A) Sacrifice small nations to protect themselves            (B) Fear of another world war                           (C) Want to focus on welfare states, not military states
üJapan first to attack - invaded China from Manchukuo
    Japanese moderate political leaders silenced - fear of assassination from military officers
    Initially quite successful, but when they lose, they get medieval
    Rape of Nanjing - horrific treatment of Chinese civilians – 1937 = symbolic beginning of horrific war of suffering
Japan and China in war for Asia far before 1941
üJapan, Germany, Italy did not coordinate attacks
üGER needs to attack USSR - lebensraum - living space - * signs nonaggression pact w/ USSRBuys time, splits Poland, can now invade from Poland
üBritish/France declare war once Poland is attacked – they prepare for another trench warfare, unfortunately Hitler doesn't play fair
üHitler's victories stunningly fast - West's reluctance to arm/react decisively
üWar shifts once Germans get stuck in Russian winter
üAnglo-American, Soviet alliance has more #s, industry, technology
Nazi Blitzkrieg, Stalemate, and the Long Retreat
üBlitzkrieg - lightning fast war
a) Coordinate tanks, mechanized troop carriers, fighter aircraft/bombers b) Penetrate deep into nation - hit capital hard
c) Severely punished civilian population that didn't surrender                   d) In months, French defeated, British pushed back across the Channel
üWhy did France lose so quickly?
a) Gov't couldn't agree on what to do - left vs. right argued                           b) Weapons painfully outdated
c) Civilian population demoralized                                                   d) Only Vichy France in South exists - puppet government
üTurns to invasion of Britain - strong air force + growingly powerful army
¥Battle of Britain - Britain actually holds off
a) Strong leadership of Churchill (Winston Churchill: Prime Minister of GBR) /war cabinet                b) Radar detection discovered Nazi flight plans
c) Bravery of Britain's royal family                                     d) High morale of citizens
Land invasion called off, can't fight off British Navy
>>But Germany had taken over W. Europe, Scandinavia, Mediterranean, N. Africa - Conquered areas must provide war materials, soldiers, slave labor
üHitler turns on USSR
Soviets easily pushed out of Finland, Poland, Baltic states, but then winter kicks inSoviets just won't surrender - body for bullet Just kept retreating eastward Nazi mass killings inspire guerilla warfare behind front lines Stopped at Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad Fought most severe battles - Kursk, Stalingrad Momentum shifts - Germany on the run 1943 Soviets push west, 1944 on doorstep of Berlin Sacrifices of Soviet soldiers/women/civilians led to victory
From Persecution to Genocide: Hitler's War Against the Jews
üFirst years of war Hitler persecuted non-Aryans - gypsies, leftist politicians, homosexuals, Jews, Polish intellectuals, communists
üOnce war seemed lost, became defensive
(A) Turned to "final solution" - Wannsee Conference - 1942 - extermination camps
(B) Resources from front used or transportation, imprisonment, mass murder
(C) Shipped from all over empire to the East: Physically fit > hard labor, Women, children, ill - murdered immediately
(D) Used for scientific experiments
üHolocaust - 12 million killed, 6 million Jews
(A) Armenian genocide the root        
(B) Horrific - premeditated, systematic, carried out by the state 
(C) Essentially allowed by occupied countries - only really Danes & Italians resisted in any degree. Also, allied countries refused Jewish emigrants/refugees & didn't attack railway lines or extermination camps
>>Effect - creation of Zionist state in Israel - emigration to Palestine only option – some even made deals with Nazis to take to Palestine
Anglo-American Offensives, Encirclement, and the End of the 12-Year Reich
üAmerican interaction
    Primarily supplies at first - US gov't hesitant, Roosevelt sympathetic
    Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 - US enters
    Tank divisions and infantry join in Africa
    Next attacked Sicily, Italy Eventually Mussolini toppled, assassinated
    June 1944, Western front - invasion of NormandyMoved East to Germany, stopped only briefly at Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945 Hitler’s last effort to repel Allies)
    By June 1945 US and Soviets divisive over how to divide Germany
>>Hitler kills himself - goes down believing he was betrayed by German people
The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire in the Pacific War
    1/3 of Japanese forces fight in China throughout war
    After Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7 1941 attack on US naval base designed by Admiral Yamamoto), Japan takes over Asia
    *Thailand becomes neutral, cooperates, Australia and New Zealand provide support, but...US on its own
>>JAP took over too much, angered all of the European Allies
    Colonial regimes worse than European -needed natural resources, raw  materials led to resistance movements - requires even more soldiers/resources
    Guerrilla forces harassed Japanese - Coordinated w/ Americans and British
    Main theaters of conflict islands - "island hopping"
(A) USA Victories at Battle of the Coral Sea and Midway Island                              (B) Joint air, sea, land assaults against Japan
    1944 America begins firebombing Japanese cities Destroyed wooden homes, hundreds of thousands of civilians killed Demanded unconditional surrender
ü2 Atomic bombs  dropped (ordered by Truman) on Hiroshima & Nagasaki- August 1945 - Threat that Japanese would fight to the death
War's End and the Emergence of the Superpower Standoff
Wanted to avoid failed peace treaties of World War I Established United Nations: more representative of world than League of Nations & US actually decides to participate

üSecurity Council made up of victors - US, France, Britain, China, USSR
üThough China is really represented by Taiwan, communist gov't not acknowledged
üColonies and defeated powers granted membership
üEurope retained control of post-war global policy through 3 votes on security council
üForum for negotiating international disputes
üWorld Court of Justice
üHuman Rights organizations - food, labor, women
üUnsuccessful at times - large and small nations resent role - But...played important role in humanitarian, refugee relief
üSponsored conferences to deal with social issues - child labor, women's rights, environmental protection

From Hot War to Cold War
    USSR vs. USA - no direct conflict, but tons of related global conflicts
    Began with how to decide post-war Europe
üUSSR wanted territorial gains - tired of getting invaded
üTehran Conference - 1944
®       By setting up Western front in France, USSR takes over Eastern Europe
®       USSR doesn't pull out of many occupied lands - Iron Curtain - Doesn't allow nations to "self-determine" themselves
üYalta Conference - 1945
®       USSR gets Manchuria and northern Japanese islands
®       Divide Germany into 4 spheres of influence
®       Germany industry allowed to continue - needed to control Soviets
®       USSR wants friendly gov'ts in small European nations | West wants democratic gov'ts | Stalin dies
üProblems still after Potsdam

®       Austria divided, occupied then independent in 1956
®       Poland gain East Germany, but lose land to Russia
®       USSR/USA sign separate treaties with Japan
®       German peace treaty not even agreed upon until 1980s
®       Korea divided between USSR and USA
®       European colonies returned to Europeans - But...independence movements start right away
®       China war starts - Soviets aid communists & US aids Nationalists

üIndependence movements:
®       Middle East, Africa, India want independence - Europe fought nationalism during war, but had to revisit after
®       Soviet Union pushes boundaries West - New independent nations created in 1918 gobbled up by USSR
®       US heavily influenced W. Europe w/ occupied troops, economic aid (Marshall Plan), policy manipulation
üTwo movements roots (A) Occupied people push for independence/decolonization              (B) World's allegiances divided between US and USSR

1930s Great Depression
1931 JAP invades Manchuria
1933 Nazis rise to power in GER
1935 ITA invades Ethiopia
1936-1939 Spanish Civil War & Arab risings in Palestine
1938 GER’s union (Anchluss) w/ Austria; Munich conference; GER invades Czechoslovakia
1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact

1941-1945 WWII
1941 Fall of Singapore to the Japanese
1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor; US enters WWII
1941 GER invasion of USSR
1942 Cripps mission to India; Quit India movement
1945 Atomic bomb dropped on JAP; UN established
1947 India & Pakistan gain independence
1947 Cold War begins
1947 Wider decolonization begins w/ independence of India & Pakistan
1948 Israel – Palestine partition. 1st Arab-Israeli war; beginning of apartheid legislation in S. Africa

1957 Ghana established as 1st independent African nation
1958 Afrikaner Nationalist party declares independence of S. Africa

1960 Congo granted independence from Belgian rule
1962 Algeria wins independence

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