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o    Cold War: Both USA & USSR fight for “dominance” and want to control the 3rd world – Battle of Ideological Differences
o    USA wants containment – limiting USSR influence.
o    Responses that are simultaneous: NATO/Warsaw Pact, Olympics boycotts, Space Race (Sputnik & Moon), Truman Doctrine/Brezhnev Doctrine
o    Indirect War: Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, etc.
o    *USA has economic advantage
v  FRA’s Charles De Gaulle of 5th French Republic made FRA a nuclear power
v  USSR falls b/c economy deteriorates: communism lacks incentives & Cold War used up $
v  Clement Atlee & Labor Party (1945 – 1951) : GBR in great debt, so GBR loses territory (ex. India)
Early Cold War (1947-1970) - Reconstruction

→  ←
Eastern Bloc
“Iron Curtain”
-Goal: spread Communism
-espionage: KGB
US & Western Democracies
-Goal: contain Communism
o    Marshal Plan 1948: US provides aid to all countries that need it
o    Berlin Wall(1961), Berlin Blockade/ Airlift (1948-1949)
o    Arms race: USSR develops atomic bomb in 1949
o    Premier Nikita Khrushchev & De-Stalinization Program
o    Mao’s Revolution: 1949 – China becomes Communist
o    Korean War (1950-1953)
o    ‘Domino Theory” – Communism spreads: CHN KOR ® Vietnam???
o    Suez Crisis 1956-1957) –Egypt gains independence ®  Egypt vs. GBR, FRA, Israel – didn’t tell USA (USA got angry)
o    Radio Free EUR/ Radio Liberty – W. EUR set up radio broadcasting to reach people behind iron curtain
o    Hungarian Uprising 1956  - Nagy, Hungarian Prime Minister wants free elections
o    Nixon & Khrushchev  “Kitchen Debates” (1959) @ Hardware store – Nixon boasts technology & Khrushchev scorns capitalism
o    U-2 Spy incident -  USA spy plane shot down over USSR air space
o    1961 – JFK meets with Khrushchev, Berlin Wall built
o    Khrushchev  & Fidel Castro – Cuban Revolution – Cuba becomes Communist – Bay of Pigs Debacle (1961): US can’t tolerate Communism so close – fails
o    Cuban Missile Crisis – USSR bring missiles into Cuba “aimed” @ US – USSR has to back down in 1962
o    Vietnam War 1965 – 1973 – North (Led by Ho Chi Minh supported by USSR & CHN) wins vs. South (USA , FRA) – Ho Chi Minh not really a communist, just a freedom fighter)
o    Prague Spring: Czechoslovakia wants independence, fails
o    European Union
ü 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade (GATT)                          ü currency: Euro
ü23 nations at first                                                                      üpromote integration ® European Economic Community 1957
üHQ in Brussels, Belgium                                                          üTreaty of Rome
üEuropean Union – 1992 – “Frontier-free EUR”
o    UNITED NATIONS since 1945
ü  maintain international peace and security
ü  principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples
ü  achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character – International law

                     I.            General Assembly
                   II.            Security Council (perm. members: USA, GBR, FRA, RUS, CHN)
                 III.            International Court of Justice
                 IV.            Economic & Social Council
                   V.            Trusteeship Council
                 VI.            Secretariat

Real Politik: (coined by Bismarck) policies based on reality, not ideals
Sovereignty: ultimate authority
    1947 Afghanistan-USSR troops invaded Afghanistan – Communist Karmal seizes gov.’t  ® US backs Muslim guerilla fighters ® 1988 USSR leaves
    1980 – Solidarity - Lech Walesa led massive strikes @ Lenin shipyards in POL ® strikes spread ® Solidarity movement ® USSR recognized unions
    Star Wars 1983 Defense sys. of laser in outer space (sci-fi)
    1985 Gorbachev: final leader/premier of Communist USSR, reforms ® perestroika (economic reforms enabling some capitalism) + glasnost (more free expression & criticism of gov.’t)
    1987 INF: Reagan & Gorbachev save $
    1989 Berlin Wall falls, Gorbachev renounced Brezhnev doctrine & opened Hungary’s borders to Austria
    1990 GER unifies to become the Federal Republic of GER (USA, USSR, GBR, FRA, 2 GERs agreed to end Allied occupational rights)
    1990 Fall of USSR: Gorbachev’s reforms made some upset ® coup led by military generals ® kidnap Gorbachev (held in own office) ® generals want to restore Communism’s might ® troops listened to gov’t instead ® went to save Gorbachev ® people march for freedom & troops don’t suppress them ® Yeltsin frees Gorbachev & Communist gov.’t falls when Gorbachev resigns & Yeltsin is elected as 1st President
    After Fall of USSR: former communist leaders privatize industries that used to belong to USSR- Russian oligarchs take over & democracy becomes corrupt ® Putin tries to eliminate corruption after gaining power by promoting “nationalistic pride” – more strict control ® USSR territories shrink b/c countries like Lithuania, Belarus, Romania, etc. declare independence
Western Society and Eastern Europe in the Decades of the Cold War
o    After World War II
a) Soviets create empire that dominates E. EUR              b) W. EUR recovers not totally dominant          c) US- from isolationist => international
o    Cold War - democratic capitalism vs. communism Led to alliances and arms race
o    Western Europe

ü  Turned to service based economy
ü  Social transformation > more roles for women

ü Democracy had firm roots - unlike decades before
ü  EUR started to work together- not as independent nationalistic nations

o    Soviet Union turns industrialist                a)New world role                  b) Science exploration & sports achievement
After World War II: International Setting for the West
         I.            Infrastructure of Europe destroyed – bombings             
       II.            Boundary changes + forced labor = refugees
     III.            USSR and USA size/industrial strength dwarf European nation-states
Europe and Its Colonies
o    2 major changes - decolonization and cold war
ü  Colonies                           - Only maintainable at a high cost                                     - French finally give up Vietnam in 1954 - costly defeats
- French finally give up Algeria in 1962 - almost civil war             - Most independence achieved peacefully
- France/Belgium actually intervened/helped later                       - West continues to economically exploit Africa
>>Decolonization's Effect on Europe:
-          Returning settlers ticked off                                                                                                              - Europe's role in world affairs minimal
-          Suez Canal crisis of 1956 symbolic shift - war ends only after US and USSR end it                     - Europe goes on without colonies
The Cold War
o    Lines drawn immediately after WWII
ü  Eastern bloc emerges                     a) Soviet troops remained                   b)Communist gov’ts amazingly elected
c) USSR gets more Western lands      d) base in East Berlin - Soviets in of W. Europe
o    US and Britain respond
ü  Churchill claims iron curtain has descended - free/repressed - Britain no power to defend views
ü  US takes more active stance - having bomb helps:
(a) Refuses loans to rebuild E. EUR   (b) Gives $ to Iran, TUR, Greece to avoid communism (c) Marshall Plan - tons of $ to W. EUR
>>US now has tons of influence
o    Focal point in early years - Germany
ü  US wants to build economically successful W. Germany - combat commies
ü  US tries to stabilize GER currency - USSR bitter at US for being nice
a) Cuts off all roads into Berlin - even West Berlin                    b) US responds with Berlin Airlift
ü  NATO created - W. Europe plus Canada - Military alliance rearms W. Germany - Goal - combatting communism
ü  USSR responds with Warsaw Pact and gets the bomb
o    Cold War effects on W. Europe
ü  US influences policy of Europe       a) Larger military budgets for FRA/GBR                          b) Rearm W. Germany
    Why listen to US?          a) Hold rebuilding $            b)US stationed troops throughout EUR             c) Protected by nuclear umbrella
o    USSR scared W. Europe - Even sent money to ferment communist movements
o    Cold War issues move to Middle East and East Asia after 1950s
a) France pulls out of NATO - Britain/US in power                         b)W. GER wants to reopen trade with Eastern bloc in 1970s
c) US military power , allowing EUR to devalue military              d) EUR puts values on civilian values/goals - US paying the tab
The Resurgence of Western Europe
o    Europe made progress post WWII
a) Extended democratic sys.                b) Modifying nation-state rivalries                    c) Rapid economic growth (solved gender/social problems)
The Spread of Liberal Democracy
o    Notion of revolution faded: Fascism proved a failure & Communists started working within the system
o    Focus became government planning for welfare
o    New West Germany - Federal Republic of Germany -Combined 3 zones, new gov't outlawed extremist political movements
o    New European gov'ts had universal suffrage - and women- nations remain stable - Only FRA gets new constitution – 1958, Spain/Portugal democratize when dictators die ***Most similar government systems in history of Europe
The Welfare State
o    Shift leftward in political spectrum
o    New parties after WWII push for welfare: GBR - Labour Party; FRA/Italy - Christian Democrats
o    US tentative to adopt welfare wholesale Added to Roosevelt's New Deal - Great Society
ü  Welfare programs                           
    Unemployment insurance
    Medical care - state funded insurance - State run medical facilities
    Family assistance - $ if you have children
    Public housing - Britain - "council housing" - mixes classes
>> Changes welfare state brings:
²Citizens don't have to worry about huge expenses                       ²Improved health              
²Poor can still make purchases                                                        ²Interaction between gov.t and individual
²Government bureaucracy gets huge/expensive:
a) Technocrat - engineering/economics trained civil servant                     b)Military spending goes down
²Governments gain more control of economy
a) Create long term/short term economic plans              b) Decided where $ went from state banks      c) Helped determine path of agriculture
Political Stability and the Question Marks
o    1960s had massive demonstrations - race/student
ü  Materialism
ü  Civil rights legislation + police repression - Almost revolution in France
ü  Feminism - economic equality and dignity
ü  Green movement - Hostile to uncontrolled economic growth
o    Economic growth slowed - leads to new governments * Margaret Thatcher/Ronald Reagan cut back welfare
The Diplomatic Context
o    EUR tried to deal w/traditional problems: a) French-German tension                b)Christian-Democrat movement - push for harmony
o    US Marshall Plan encourages Europe to reconsider tariffs
o    France/Germany begin discussing linking up- tie Germany's economy internationally - they won't fight
o    1958 W. GER, FRA, ITA, BEL, LUX, Netherlands form EUR Econ. Community, Common Market - Today called European Union
²Tariffs reduced for interstate trade                                               ²Uniform tariff policy for outside Europe
²Court system in Brussels, Belgium to solve disputes                   ²Economic fund to encourage financial growth
² Failed attempts to have single gov’t                                             ² Arguments sometimes over agricultural policy
² 2001 - single currency – Euro                                                         ² Other nations gradually join - even proud British
>> Nationalistic tensions die off - currently in longest periods of peace
Economic Expansion -Long period of economic expansion
o    Welfare state gives more purchasing power
o    Agricultural product becomes extremely efficient - technocrat driven (N. America farming still more efficient > high tariffs)
o    Weapons, appliances, automobiles
o    GNP growth surpasses US
o    Based on technological change
o    Changing workforce: a)Less industrial jobs - turns post-industrial             b)Service-based jobs
- teachers, clerks, medical personnel
- insurance, bank workers, performers
- "leisure industry" personnel
c) Low unemployment - single digits - demand for low-skilled labor comes from immigrants
d) Per capita disposable income increases
o    Household appliances, TVs, shopping malls, efficient, huge stores replace traditional specialty shops
o    Advertisement huge in US - TV advertising - commercial based compared to EUR which had fewer commercials - state-owned
o    Goal becomes combining efficient work with indulgent leisure
o    Negatives of expansion        a)Inflation - demand outstrips production
b) Immigrants - "guest workers" living on subsistence wages
c) Economic inequality - income gap increases
o    Europe's economic success = social reform + global involvement
Cold War Allies: The United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
    Less social innovation because less crisis from first 1/2 of century
    US takes dominant military lead in alliances
    Other nations - Canada, Australia, New Zealand attach selves
The Former Dominions
o    Canada begins to worry about US investments/dominance of resources
ü 1988 - sign free trade agreement  
üQuebec wants regional autonomy, limited English
ü1982 - new constitution - more power to provinces
o    AUS/New Zealand moved away from GBR, toward US militarily - supported KOR War/Viet War mainly for Cold War, anti-communist purposes
o    1980s/1990s move away
o    Investment/trade focused around Pacific
o    Increasing immigration from Asian countries - Against Asians at first, white-only immigration
The "U.S. Century"
²US steps up to dominate internationally                       ²Britain unable to defend militarily                                ²USSR expansion
²Truman Doctrine – US protect peoples from Communism                                                         ²Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe
²Both parties agreed to this policy initially
o    US policy changes
A) Red scare in 1950s           B) Defense Department - 1947 - increased budget           C) CIA worldwide information gathering - spies
D) Containment policy - let Communism go no further                  E) Sets up alliances with various Middle Eastern/Asian nations
F) US supports non-communist regimes even when sometimes they're bad guys (Military regimes or dictators)
G) Attempted to keep Vietnam from going Communist – but even after tons of bombs and dead people - still communist
o    New policies after Vietnam - Can guerilla's stalemate US military?
²Reagan/Bush reemphasizes weapons/military - interventionist policy
²Involved in Grenada, Middle East terrorists, Saddam Hussein
²Some resented America's huge military/economic role, but what is option B?
Culture and Society in the West
o    Social Structure
a) Workers, property less, but have more buying power                                b) Social mobility possible – white-collar jobs possible
c) Unskilled labor goes to immigrants                                                              d) Peasants became commercial
*However tensions still exist
a) Middle class have more leisure options                       b) Crime rate goes up                          c) Race/immigrant riots
The Women's Revolution
ü Family relations changed                üLeisure activities increase               üTelephone/automobile – new contacts w/ extended family
üImportance of parents declines – peers become more important
o    Women take on new role in working world
üService jobs available to men/women – strength irrelevant
üEntry into workforce to buy consumer goods
üNew trend – women sphere separate from work sphere not possible
üGains in higher education – women stay away from science/math
üGains in right to vote
üWomen can regulate birth rate – the pill, abortion
üDemographic shifts:          a)Brief baby boom after WWII, then decline in birth rate
b) Want income for higher consumer purchases
c) Children go to day care at earlier age
d)Family satisfaction not kid centered, but marriage centered
e) Divorce rates – women’s work, legal freedom, changing roles=> impoverished women that combine work w/ child care
o    New Feminism
a) Want literal equality, no specific domain, roles                          b)Some value family, some not - main point is they want choice
Western Culture
o    Cultural focus shifts to US: (a) “Brain drain” – top scientists lured to facilities, salaries of US (b) $ related to art – US has more $ for art
o    Europe still has role
a) DNA and human genome work (Watson & Crick)                        b) Nuclear research                              c) Space research w/ resulting satellites
Modern art
    Public begins to gradually accept this new art, though they prefer old
    New forms of sculpture – abstract
    New art – combining consumer culture w/ art
    Art films more from Europe
o    New research: a) America takes lead in economics                 b) Social history – history from the eyes of civil society institutions
A Lively Popular Culture
o    “Coca-cola-nization” of Europe – spread clothes, food, films
o    US TV far more attractive – has a ton more money to make quality TV
o    British music comes to dominate – Beatles - Unconventional color/cut – punk styles
o    Relaxed views of sexuality: Sex shops & premarital sex more common
o    Some negative reaction – pop culture dulls senses, forget real problems (But nothing like Nazi book burning, ultra conservative) >>Increased Western influence of the world
The New Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe (as Superpower)
>Evolution of Domestic Policies
Soviet Culture: Promoting New Beliefs and Institutions
o    New policies of Soviet Union
o    Focused on industrialization
o    Reached out for direct loyalty of people
o    More culturally focused than under church-state tsar situation (though their cultural focus was anti-religion)
-          No church services to under 18                          - Schools preached religion as superstition
-          Anti-Semitism still strong                                   - Muslims given most freedom           *Only elderly still interested in church
o    Scientific/Marxist focus
ü Scientists highly respected                                                                             üResearch heavily funded
üDirection/research determined by gov’t – want applied science               üLinked to weaponry/aerospace
üArt/literature must follow party line                                                              üAttack western styles – decadent
üClassical arts – rigid standards of excellence                                               üLiterature may anger gov’t (Still discussed patriotism))
üEducation system – technicians, bureaucrats, propaganda state               üFear of cultural pollution material always present
Economy and Society
o    Rapid industrialization/urbanization
o    Key features of E. EUR:                 a)State control of all economic sectors
b)More heavy industrial goods than consumer goods
-          Didn’t receive research funding
-          Consumers had few options
-          Not enough money to fund military and consumer goods
-          Common complaints about lack of goods and long lines
o    Environmental damage: a) Agricultural mining – ¼ of Russia            b)Industrialization air/water pollution
o    Agricultural backwardness
ü  No money for more advanced farm equipment
ü  Weather made it difficult
ü  Constraints + lack of incentive = why work harder ® larger # of people stay farmers – inefficient
o    Similarities to Western society
ü  Work rhythm/cycle mirrored West
ü  Incentive systems
ü  Entertainment – sports       (part of political/propaganda program)
>>East Germany/USSR dominated w/ state sponsored programs
o    Social structure: Urban areas divided by class – workers vs. white collar, middle class – but wealth divisions not as great
o    Demographic similarities
üBirth rate                                                                          üEducation + more consumer products            üWartime dislocations       
üsome minority groups had high rates – Muslims                                                                                         üFalling infant death rates
o    Child rearing: Important, but more discipline than West, Emphasis on authority
o    Women: Still worked, performed heavy tasks, larger role in medicine, Soviet propaganda champions role of women
o    System held together after Stalin’s death
a)Bureaucratic experience                  b)Resistance to strike out in radical new direction                        c)Ruling committee replaces Stalin
o    Nikita Khruschev
ü  Condemned Stalin for dictatorship/arbitrary rule
a) Treatment of political opponents                  b) Narrow treatment/misunderstanding of Marxism                      c)Poor preparation for WWII
ü  Though it looked like time of change, not must changed - Critics – trials not as server, nor punishments
ü  Downfall: Fails to open Siberia to agriculture & offends many by insulting Stalin
o    Cold War policy – “we will bury you”
§   Tests limits of cold war – Cuban Missile Crisis
§   Soviet space program threatens US
§   Cold war tensions go down – tourism/exchanges up
§   Steady military build-up
o    After Khrushchev things stay mellow but agriculture worsens – have to import from US
o    New foreign policy problems

    Frustration with China
    Relation with Egypt – friends then foes
    Muslims want more control
    Afghanistan takeover failed – wanted Muslim puppet regime

o    Quality of goods, worker incentive dropped
    Bureaucratized/centralized plans – feel like you have no power
    Increased rates of alcoholism
    Youth getting annoyed – want access to Western culture
o    World didn’t see how bad things were getting - 1980s economy falling apart: Pressure from Reagan & misplaced priorities
o    Downfall of USSR leaves huge questions of stability
The Cold War and the World
o    Importance of Cold War
üKey role in decolonization and nationalism                                                  üSome nations could play US/USSR against each other to gain
Similarities b/w USA & USSR

ü  Both secular
ü  Challenged traditional roles
ü  Sold weapons around the world
ü  Created system of hatred/fear/lack of tolerance of outside world

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