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 Byzantine Empire & Medieval Society & Bubonic Plague

VocabularyUsurpation- illegitimate overthrow of power (often by force)Pontifical: having the authority from the Pope or BishopsInvestiture: power to appoint leaders of local churches

o   Medieval (Middle Ages):          - Pertaining to a society formed after the fall of the Roman Empire and before the Renaissance
                                                                -Time when feudalism and manorialism dominate
o   Early Middle Ages: 350-800 CE               High Middle Ages: 800- 1100 CE                              Late Middle Ages: 1100-1450 CE
o   Germanic Tribes involved in the fall of Rome: Huns, Magyars, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Goths, Angles, Saxons, Franks
o   Clovis:      -established Frankish Kingdom in central EUR
                -conquered many tribes and regional Roman political leaders
                -converted to Christianity
o   Charlemagne was a Frank that created the Carolingian Empire and was crowned the Emperor of the Holy Roman Emp. by Pope Leo in 800 CE
o   Vikings were barbarians from Scandinavia that explored/plundered/settles in France, Spain, Russia, Iceland, Constantinople
o   Feudalism: Political structure in which there are rights and responsibilities. Lords protected serfs in exchange for work. Lords gave land to vassals in exchange for loyalty
o   Manorialism: Economic structure in which wealth is based on land and being self-sufficient
o   Different Roles I Feudalism

o   Castles were a center of noble life and they were effective for protection because they intimidated possible attackers, were built for military defense, residence, they had areas for archers to shoot arrows at attackers, located on a high elevation, and were sturdy
o   Levels of the Clergy: 
o   The Monastic Orders (monks) in the Middle Ages were missionaries that spread Christianity. They arose as a reaction against the increasing “worldliness” at the church. Monasteries were secluded religious communities. Benedictine Monasticism = vows of chastity, poverty, obedience

o   Lay Investiture Controversy: controversy between king & pope about who should control church & appoint officials
è the King eventually won because they had the military whereas the Pope didn’t really have tangible power --- Pope Gregory excommunicated Henry  --- Pope Innocent III at height of power
o   Early British Kings:
-1066 Norman Invasion
-William the Conqueror (1027-1087) brought feudalism to England
-Henry II (1154-1189) instituted a single common law; unified court system
-Henry III (1216-1272)
-Edward I (1239-1307)
o   Early British Parliament:
-House of Lords: nobles & church lords
-House of Commons: Knights & Residents ---approved taxes, discussed policies, worked with monarch to make laws
o   Islam dominated in Cordoba, Spain
o   The goals of the Crusades were to capture the Holy Land and drive other religions (Islam) from it. Also, another goal was to spread Christianity and make it the dominating religion.
o   The Crusades were first called because the Byzantine Empire in 1095 asked the Pope Urban II for help in defending against Muslim attacks
o   The First Crusades were successful because the Europeans made territorial gains, and the Muslims were unprepared
o   Four Major Trade Centers in EUR in Late Middle Ages: Venice, Constantinople, Rome, Genoa, Paris, London, Bonn, Cordoba, Cologne, Messina
o   Magna Carta:  conflict between King John and nobility. Nobles rebelled against excessive taxation, forced King John to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 &limited power of the monarch. It was the formal recognition that the King was not above the law
o   Hanseatic League: trade with neighboring regions; “Free Trade Union”
o   Guilds: businesses had to be part of a guild to practice; regulated prices & wages; in charge of industry
o   Hundred Year’s war: between France & England
o   Black Death= Bubonic Plague= spread from rats -> rat fleas -> humans --- killed 25 million people
o   Black Plague ended the Middle Ages because it decreased the population so much that the lords didn’t have as much control over serfs. Serfs started renting & buying land and got wages. Feudalism deteriorated. People were more conscious about sanitation.
o   -advances in civilization & art
o   passed on culture and religion to Balkan peoples
o   Achievements of Justinian:
-reconquest of Italy, S. Spain, N. Africa from Barbarian Tribes
-Codification of Roman law: code of Justinian/ Codex Justinanus
a) Code= nearly 5,000 laws
b) Digest= quoted and summarized the opinions of Rom’s greatest legal thinkers
c) Institutes= a textbook for students
d) Novellae (New Laws)= legislation passed after 534
-rebuilding cities, fortresses, and other public buildings
-Hagia Sophia
-Preserving Classical Greek & Latin texts for future generations

o   Appealed to people living during Middle Ages because:
-belief & promise of an afterlife
-unifying quality
-connection with Classical (Roman) Times represents a “better time”
-Church is needed to achieve salvation (through sacraments)

Early Middle Ages 350-800- church survives
-local many variations
-begin to codify rules (Orthodox=correct way vs.  Heredoxy=heresy)
-Conversions of nomadic groups begin (Franks, Vikings, etc.)
-Increase of Pope’s prestige (becomes more than a mythical head of church)
-Gregory the Great (around 600 CE) Pope becomes temporal head of Rome

Middle (High) Middle Ages (800-1100)-church centralizes (doctrines become clearer)
***Church becoming wealthy (collects tithe, and owns church lands)
-Franklin Empire promotes Catholic Church (Franks converted in early 700s)- Leo crowns Charlemagne emperor (800 CE)
                -Lay investiture---Kings ultimately win
                -Pope Gregory VII vs. Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV (around 1080)
                - Official split with Orthodox Eastern Christian Church (1054)
                                a) Increased connections between E & W
                b)”they are not like us”

Late Middle Ages (1100-1450) - church thrives and dominates (monastic orders)
-Pope Innocent III represents height of Pope’s power in controversy (around 1200)
-Crusades (Holy War to recover the Holy Land) against Islam over the next 300 yrs.
                a) Increased contact w/ Islam & Afro-Eurasia
                b) Short term kingdom established in the Levant (Holy Land)
                c) Crusaders ransack & plunder Orthodox Christian Constantinople in 1204 CE
-Lay Investiture- kings ultimately win & Pope’s power declines
-Pope Boniface vs. Phillip of France (The Babylon Captivity 1303-1377)-Pope captured -> Avignon
-The Great Schism (1377-1417) 2 popes (French & Italian) for a time
-Conciliar Movement gains support (1250-1415) effort to have church ruled by everyone (not just Pope)
-Black Death

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