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Pre-Columbian Civilizations = before the arrival of Columbus (1492)
Three Major Regions of Americas where people settles:
a)     Andes Mountains (Inca)
b)     Mesoamerica (Aztec & Mayans)
c)      Mississippi River
Eastern vs. Western Hemisphere
- has more cultural diffusion    *W. has very little cultural diffusion due to
            -E –W axis                                                                     the natural barriers that cause
            -domesticated animals                                                isolation and prevents unification.
-technology; agriculture
Aztec & Inca
Aztec=20 million                      Inca= 10-12 million, but larger territory
900-1465 Chimor Empire based on Chan Chan on N. Coast
968 Tula established by Toltecs
1000 Toltec conquest of Chichán Itzá & influence in Yucatan peninsula
1150 Fall of Tula, disintegration of Toltec Empire
1325 Aztecs established in C. Mexico; Tenochtitlan founded
1350 Incas founded in Cuzco Area
1434-1471 Expansion under Inca Pachacuti
1502-1520 Mactezuma II (Aztec Ruler conquered by Hernando Cortes)

Toltec Culture
o    established capital Tula around 968
o    adopted many features from sedentary peoples & added militaristic ethic
-included cult of sacrifice & war (portrayed in art)
o    Topiltzin (Toltec leader); priest dedicated to god Quetzalcoatl – involved in a struggle for priestly/political power, but lost so he was exiled
o    empire established spread over most of central Mexico
o    Toltecs conquered Chichán Itzá of Yucatan in 1000 => ruled by c. Mexican Dynasties or by Mayan rulers under Toltec influence
o    Obsidian was mined in N. Mexico – traded for turquoise in American SW
o    lasted until 1150 – said to have been destroyed by nomadic invaders from N. => population & political power shifted to valley of Mexico (had a lot of water)
Olmec were the first major civilization in Mexico. They lived in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco.

Maya (50 BCE-1400 AD)
  • Mayans- longest lasting out of the Aztec and Incas
  • Mayan Empire lived more than 1000 years (about 1500 years).
50 BCE - 800 - Central America, Guatemala → Mexico, Yucatan. Due to unknown reasons (maybe environmental disaster, lack of soil for food) Mayan civilization survived a jungle environment by being resourceful and harnessing energy. They had lots of limestone for building
  • Valuing human labor, they don’t use metal tools.
  • Made zero (Gupta India also made zero). Helped with architecture and mathematics
  • Rainforest, lots of water
  • Had a Golden Ratio
Yikin Chan Kawii - 734-760 - Tikal
  • Tallest Tikal building, Temple of Giant. Building vertical.
  • Defeat Calakamul, El Peru, Narajo.

Pacal - 615-683 - Palenke
  • wet city turn into architecture
  • Temple of inscriptions > textual information
  • new architectural techniques- [courtal?] vault

Kan Bahlam  684-702 - Palenke
  • Temple of the cross, temple of the sun
  • invention of zero
  • had aqueducts. understanding of water pressure. directed excess water away.
  • found the square roots of rectangles using sticks and string

Aztec (1300-1535)
o    called themselves Mexica
o    legend: Mexica had once inhabited the C. valley and had lived a “civilized” life, but had lived in exile in a place called Aztlan
o    other sources indicate Atzecs were nomadic peoples that used political anarchy after fall of Toltecs to form empire
o    Aztecs spoke Nahuatl (once language of Toltecs)
o    intrusive & militant group that was disliked by neighbors
o    eagle perched on a cactus eating a snake => site of great city; Tenochtitlan
o    subject peoples forced to pay tribute, surrender lands, & sometimes do military service for Aztec Empire
o    human sacrifice
o    believed world had been destroyed four times before and will happen again = believed that sacrifices would be insufficient & gods would bring catastrophe
o    Tenochtitlan= “foundation of Heaven” – by 1519 population was ≈150,000 (larger than some major EUR cities)
o    City was connected to the shores by 4 causeways, crisscrossed w/ canals
o    Each city ward was controlled by a calpulli (kin group) that maintained neighborhood temples & civil buildings
o    Chinampas= “floating gardens” >> 4 corn crops/year were possible
o    each community had periodic markets according to various cycles of calendar
o    used Cacao beans & gold dust = currency; but mostly barter
o    Great market of Tlaelolco was operated daily & was controlled by pochteca (special merchant class) – specialized in long-distance trade in luxury items
o    Tribute levels assigned according to whether the subject peoples accepted Aztec rule/had fought against it – those who surrendered paid less
o    Tribute payments = food, slaves, sacrificial victims, goods
o     During Aztec wanderings, seven calpulli (clans) expanded & adapted to imperial position
o    some commoners could rise to noble status through achievements in war, but most were born into noble class
o    Nobles controlled priesthood & military leadership
o    military virtues were linked to the cult of sacrifice and became justification for nobility’s status
o    Social distinctions exhibited through use of & restrictions on clothing, hairstyles, uniforms and etc.
o    As nobility broke free from calpulli, a new class of workers like serfs emerged (below commoners, but above slaves)
o    scribes, artisans, healers were valued
o    Aztec women worked in the fields, but main job was to care for the household – weaving skill was highly regarded
o    marriages were arranged between lineages & virginity was highly regarded for young women
o    Polygamy existed among nobility, but commoners were monogamous
o    technological constraints included lack of mills to grind corn more efficiently
o    Each city state was ruled by a speaker chosen from nobility; The Great Speaker=ruler of Tenochtitlan=emperor
o    In1520, Hernando Cortes conquered Aztecs by capturing Mactezuma II who allowed them to enter, then was killed (but don’t know how he was killed)
Incas (1200-1535)
o    Inca Pachacuti (r.1438-1471) led a series of military alliances & campaigns that brought entire area from Cuzco to the shores of Titicaca
o    Topac Yupanqui (Pachacuti son) conquered northern kingdom of Chimor by seizing irrigation system & extended empire to present day Ecuador
o    Deceased rulers were mummified & treated as intermediaries with the gods, paraded in the public during festivals, offered food & gifts, consulted on important matters by oracles
o    Split inheritance= all the political power & titles went to successor, but all palaces, wealth, land, and possessions went to the Inca’s male descendants who used them to support the cult of the dead Inca’s mummy for eternity=> need to get a lot of land to support cult => expansion of  empire

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