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Social Structure:
SUMER                                      EGYPT
Ruling Family                           Pharaohs
Officials                                  Priests
High Priests                            Nobles
Merchants & Artisans            Craftsmen
Peasants                                 Peasants


The Early Chinese Civilization (2205 BCEAD 200)

Shang Dynasty: (1700 BCE- 1027 BCE)
Zhou Dynasty :( 1027 BCE – 221 BCE)
Era of Warring States: (475 BCE – 221 BCE)
Qin Dynasty: (221 BCE - 207 BCE)
Han Dynasty: (206 BCE – 220 AD)
Harappan Civilization (2600 BCE – 1300 BCE)
Harappan Civilization at its height: (2600 BCE – 2500 BCE)
Harappan Civilization collapses: (2000 BCE – 1900 BCE)
Aryans migrate into Indus River Valley through Khyber Pass of Hindu Kush Mountains: (circa 1300 BCE)
SUMER:     Cuneiform                                               Phoenician Alphabet diffused
EGYPT:      Hieroglyphics
INDUS RIVER VALLEY: Cuneiform               Diffused
CHINA:      Chinese Symbols
Aryans migrate into Ganges River Valley (1000 BCE)
Egyptian Civilization (3100 BCE – 332 BCE)
Archaic Period: (3100 BCE – 2686 BCE)
Old Kingdom: (2686 BCE – 2182 BCE)
Middle Kingdom: (1991 BCE – 1636 BCE)
New Kingdom: (1576 BCE – 1085 BCE)
Late Dynastic Period (1085 BCE – 332 BCE)
Alexander the Great conquers Egypt: (332 BCE)
Mesopotamian Civilizations (2340 BCE – 1600 BCE)
Akkadians: (2300 BCE – 2100 BCE): Sargon                                                                         -----------------------------------------------------------
Ammorites: (2100 BCE – 1800 BCE): nomads from the north                                               
Babylonians (old): (1800 BCE – 1000 BCE): Hammurabi                                                          Judaism beings
Assyrians: (1000 BCE – 730 BCE): Ashurnipal      
INVASIONS OF HITITES & KASSITES                                                                                      Use of chariot warfare; Jewish kingdoms Judah & Israel
Babylonians (new): (730 BCE – 550 BCE): Nebuchadnezzar                                                    Destroys first Jewish Temple; Diaspora begins
Persians: (550 BCE – 320 BCE): Cyrus the Great, Darius the Great, etc.                                  Jews return to Israel

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